About That Dumb Star Wars Boycott « terribleminds: chuck wendig

*pinches bridge of nose* *exhales noisily* Of course there’s a Star Wars Episode VII boycott. And there’s a hashtag to boot. Because of course there’s a hashtag. One-click buffet-style serving of shittiness, coming right up. (Behold, the Mary Sue article about it.) Apparently people are mad because blah blah black dude protagonist with a lightsaber, or…

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Racists threaten to boycott “Star Wars VII” because it promotes “white genocide,” apparently – Salon.com

Today in Stuff That Will Make You Hang Your Head In Despair, a bunch of white supremacists are tweeting under the hashtag #BoycottStarWarsVII. Why? Apparently J.J. Abrams’ new “Star Wars” installment is a little too multicultural for their liking (black actor John Boyega plays Finn, a stormtrooper, one of the presumed leads). Enjoy your daily dose of hate…

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The Glorious Poster For Star Wars: The Force Awakens Has A Giant Planet Killer On It

The official one-sheet poster for Star Wars: The Force Awakens just dropped, and it’s glorious. It’s also loaded with new details, including our first glimpse of the rumored planet-killer superweapon. The new poster features the new characters that we know of so far: Kylo Ren, Captain Phasma, Poe Dameron, Rey, Finn, BB-8 and Maz Kanataand,…

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Jennifer Lawrence Is Over Being ‘Likable’ and ‘Adorable,’ Slams Gender Wage Gap and Double Standards in Open Letter | The Mary Sue

In an essay written for Lena Dunham’s “Lenny Letter” newsletter, Jennifer Lawrence shared her thoughts and reactions on finding out she made drastically less than her male co-stars on American Hustle. She highlights the ridiculous double standard that women face in all industries when it comes to negotiating salary and voicing their opinions to male coworkers. When it…

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