Which Fantastic Four Cast Member Told Its Director That His Movie Sucks?

The latest Fantastic Four flick is an abysmal flop of such proportions that multiple outlets have run what-went-wrong-style pieces in its wake. Today’s comes via The Hollywood Reporter and it is utterly delicious. Kim Masters’s “Fantastic Four Blame Game: Fox, Director Josh Trank Square Off Over On-Set ‘Chaos’” tells the story of a spandex-hungry studio…

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Stonewall sparks boycott row after claims film ‘whitewashes’ gay struggle | Film | The Guardian

LGBT activists are calling for a boycott of Stonewall, Roland Emmerich’s film about the riots that are often cited as the beginnings of the gay rights movement, after claims that the director has “whitewashed” the protest, according to the Hollywood Reporter. The trailer for the film, which is being touted as a potential Oscar contender,…

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Fantastic Four is The Most Self-Loathing Superhero Movie I’ve Ever Seen

Superhero movies have tried hard to leave behind some of their Silver Age comic-book trappings in the past decade. We’ve seen darker, grimmer versions of Superman and other heroes—but the new Fantastic Four reboot goes beyond darkness, into actual self-loathing. It’s kind of bizarre. Fantastic Four seems honestly mortified to exist. This movie’s central storyline…

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New Report Uncovers Staggering Inequality for Anyone Not Young, White, Straight, and Male in Hollywood | Vanity Fair

Courtesy of Marvel (Evans, Pratt); Courtesy of Warner Bros. Pictures (Cooper); From Moviestore/Rex/Rex USA (Taylor-Johnson). The lack of equality in talent behind the cameras in Hollywood has been at the center of conversation many times this year. And while we know that kind of inequality bleeds into the stories we see in front of the…

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