One Of The Most Important Lawsuits In The History Of Hollywood Is Quietly Happening – CINEMABLEND

  Last February, author Tess Gerritsen received information that would, over the course of a year, fuel a monumental legal action against Warner Bros and New Line Cinema. That battle pertained to the record breaking, crowd pleasing, Academy Award-winning film Gravity – which, as it happens, shared its title and bits of space terror with…

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Designing Groot’s Crotch For Guardians Was “Incredibly Difficult”  

How do you cover the tree privates of a gigantic, naked plant creature such as Groot? The nether regions of everyone’s favorite one-worded Guardian certainly provided a lot of problems for the Guardians of the Galaxy design team. The Globe and Mail has a fascinating step-by-step Groot breakdown from GOTG visual effects supervisor Nicolas Aithadi,…

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Star Trek’s Leonard Nimoy Hospitalized |

[if lt IE 9]> Star Trek actor Leonard Nimoy has reportedly been hospitalized following complaints of severe chest pains. Nimoy, who portrayed Mr. Spock on the original Star Trek television series from 1966-1969, was sent to the UCLA Medical Center last Thursday. Nimoy’s hospitalization follows the actor’s recent hospital visits over the past several months,…

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