Quicksilver And Scarlet Witch’s Avengers 2 Movie Origins Revealed

Marvel has released a prequel comic to the Avengers: Age of Ultron movie, and it reveals a bit about the origins of the Maximoff twins. Specifically, it explains where they got their superpowers, since mutants aren’t allowed to exist in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Spoilers ahead! Although Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch are Magneto’s children, the…

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Boobs, Booze, and Black People Hair: A Very Thorough Review of Black or White by Ijeoma Oluo – Seattle Film – The Stranger, Seattle’s Only Newspaper

Black or White is offensive. Not because of its patronizing view of race relations, not because of the horrible acting—although that is all there in spades. It’s offensively boring. Every minute of this movie felt like an hour. In the back of my head was one of those cartoon clocks going “tick… tick… tick… tick.”…

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