Taylor Swift is not an “underdog”: The real story about her 1 percent upbringing that the New York Times won’t tell you – Salon.com

Over the last few years, Taylor Swift has become one of the two or three biggest pop stars in the world. She has accumulated no fewer than four homes (including a $3.5 million place in Beverly Hills and a $20 million Tribeca penthouse) and drawn enormous press and media attention. She’s still on the cover…

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M.I.A. says her label won’t release her new video due to cultural appropriation · Newswire · The A.V. Club

M.I.A.’s “Bad Girls” video M.I.A.’s “Bad Girls” video May 19, 2015 1:40 PM Pop music and cultural appropriation usually go together like Katy Perry and kimonos, but record labels may finally be wising up to the fact that there’s a difference between appreciating and appropriating a culture. Or, at the very least, they’re concerned about…

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Taylor Swift changes her stance on feminism: ‘Misogyny is ingrained in people from the time they are born’ – People – News – The Independent

In fact, the award-winning singer describes the movement for gender equality as “probably the most important” that a woman can be part of. But she has an interesting theory as to how negative attitudes towards women actually manifested in the first place. “Misogyny is ingrained in people from the time they are born,” she told…

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Watch Taylor Swift’s Futuristic, Neo-Noir ‘Bad Blood’ Video | Rolling Stone

Taylor Swift premiered her star-studded, futuristic, neo-noir video Sunday night at the Billboard Music Awards after a highly publicized teaser campaign on her social media sites. Sidebar   Everything We Know About Taylor Swift’s ‘Bad Blood’ Video » As promised, Selena Gomez, Kendrick Lamar, Jessica Alba, Lena Dunham, Ellie Goulding, Hayley Williams and others in Swift’s…

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Map Reveals What New Yorkers Are Playing On The Jukebox, And It’s Not Pretty: Gothamist

Despite relentless attempts by developers to make it otherwise, New York City is a beautiful salad bowl of diversity—an eclectic assemblage of tasty vegetables united together under a light vinaigrette of filth. How is it possible that we’re able to coexist in such relative peace despite our disparate backgrounds, world views and socio-economic statuses? We…

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