Women ‘not capable of understanding Goodfellas’, says New York Post critic | Film | The Guardian

A US critic who claimed that “women don’t get Goodfellas” has been at the centre of a Twitter storm after his article was published yesterday. In a piece called Women are not capable of understanding GoodFellas, Kyle Smith, the New York Post’s chief film critic, refers to women as “the sensitivity police” who would disapprove…

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Review: In ‘Jurassic World,’ the Franchise Feeds the Beast – NYTimes.com

Photo A scene from “Jurassic World.” Credit Universal Pictures Clomp, clomp, clomp — here it comes, another new blockbuster ready for its shock-and-awe ch-ching close-up. With its global brand recognition, “Jurassic World” comes with more muscle than the average big-ticket behemoth, one that’s been built on best-selling novels, three earlier flicks, theme-park attractions and the…

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So Shiny, So Chrome or: How Mad Max: Fury Road is a lot like Buster Keaton’s The General | Geek Envy!

Mad Max: Fury Road has reached that critical point on the internet where a tsunami of critical and popular appreciation begins to hit the breakwaters of both informed dissent and insincere contrarianism. To be clear, it would neither be interesting nor desirable to have uniform, monolithic appraisals of film or culture of any kind, and…

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Joyce Carol Oates’ epic Twitter fail: She thinks Jurassic Park photo is real, aches for poached dinosaurs – Salon.com

On Tuesday, Joyce Carol Oates, the American author whose Twitter feed is an jewel box of absurdist, vaguely offensive half-thoughts, showed her stripes as a true conservationist. Oh man, I bet that guy is so humiliated and will never post to another trophy hunting message board again! Just kidding, the animal in that picture is…

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