‘Game of Thrones’ has always been a show about rape – The Washington Post

Sophie Turner as Sansa Stark and Alfie Allen as Theon Greyjoy in “Game of Thrones.” (Helen Sloan/HBO) Plenty of viewers have declared themselves done with “Game of Thrones” after the May 17 episode in which Sansa Stark (Sophie Turner) was raped on her wedding night by her new husband, Ramsay Bolton (Iwan Rheon). They join the ranks of defectors…

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M.I.A. says her label won’t release her new video due to cultural appropriation · Newswire · The A.V. Club

M.I.A.’s “Bad Girls” video M.I.A.’s “Bad Girls” video May 19, 2015 1:40 PM Pop music and cultural appropriation usually go together like Katy Perry and kimonos, but record labels may finally be wising up to the fact that there’s a difference between appreciating and appropriating a culture. Or, at the very least, they’re concerned about…

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Taylor Swift changes her stance on feminism: ‘Misogyny is ingrained in people from the time they are born’ – People – News – The Independent

In fact, the award-winning singer describes the movement for gender equality as “probably the most important” that a woman can be part of. But she has an interesting theory as to how negative attitudes towards women actually manifested in the first place. “Misogyny is ingrained in people from the time they are born,” she told…

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