DC’s Legends of Tomorrow – First Look – YouTube

Time-traveling rogue Rip Hunter must assemble a disparate group of both heroes and villains to confront an unstoppable threat to the planet…and to time itself. DC’s Legends of Tomorrow is coming soon to The CW. SUBSCRIBE to The CW https://youtube.com/subscription_cent… Find The CW here: http://cwtv.com/ http://www.facebook.com/TheCW http://twitter.com/cw_network http://instagram.com/thecw http://plus.google.com/+thecw/ http://cwnetwork.tumblr.com/ DC’s Legends of Tomorrow –…

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Watch DC Comics build its own TV superhero squad in the first Legends of Tomorrow trailer | The Verge

Everyone’s favorite superhero team is back again! They’re all here — there’s the tech genius with a metal suit, the hyper-accurate archer dude, and the mysterious backflipping assassin woman. That’s right, it’s the heroes from DC Comics’ upcoming Legends of Tomorrow, the first trailer of which was shown off by TV network The CW today ahead…

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Map Reveals What New Yorkers Are Playing On The Jukebox, And It’s Not Pretty: Gothamist

Despite relentless attempts by developers to make it otherwise, New York City is a beautiful salad bowl of diversity—an eclectic assemblage of tasty vegetables united together under a light vinaigrette of filth. How is it possible that we’re able to coexist in such relative peace despite our disparate backgrounds, world views and socio-economic statuses? We…

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Writer responds to criticisms of Disney’s ‘Princess of North Sudan’

Disney‘s latest princess movie sounds worryingly tone deaf, provoking accusations of racism long before it’s due to go into production. Following this backlash on Twitter, the film’s screenwriter claims the movie has been misrepresent by the media.According to The Hollywood Reporter, The Princess of North Sudan is a “unique princess tale inspired by the true account…

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The strong feminism behind Black Widow, and why the critiques don’t stand up – The Washington Post

Hulk (Mark Ruffalo) and Black Widow (Scarlett Johansson) in “Avengers: Age of Ultron” (Marvel/Walt Disney Studios) This post discusses the plot of “Avengers: Age of Ultron.” Joss Whedon, the auteur who rose from indie television sensation “Buffy the Vampire Slayer” to stewardship of some of the most important movies in Marvel’s Cinematic Universe, has seemed…

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Fox News: We don’t call the poor “leeches.” Jon Stewart: Let me Google that for you! – Vox

After President Obama made some of the most interesting comments of his career at a Georgetown University panel on poverty Tuesday, I worried that the only thing liberals would take from the event was that Obama accused Fox News of calling poor Americans “sponges” and “leeches.” But now I have another theory. Is it possible that…

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The ‘Daily Show’ totally nails why the “dad bod” trend is problematic

Beginning Sync AdSlot 3 for Ad unit leader_a For the past couple of weeks, the “dad bod” has been sweeping the Internet as the latest “preferred” body type for men. Chris Pratt (pre-Guardians of the Galaxy), Seth Rogen, Leonardo DiCaprio, and many other celebrities fit the “trend,” and news outlets across the board were quick to praise the dad…

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