Classical Mythology Too Triggering for Columbia Students – Hit & Run :

Int3gr4/Wikimedia CommonsIn Columbia University’s student newspaper, four members of the school’s student Multicultural Affairs Advisory Board call on professors to be more sensitive when teaching provocative or controversial material… such as the Roman classical poet Ovid. Ovid is best known for The Metamorphoses, a 15-book narrative poem that covers more than 250 mythological stories. Written entirely…

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New Photos from Live-Action JEM Movie Are Truly Outrageous for All the Wrong Reasons | Nerdist

When a retro cartoon/toy property aimed at boys gets the big screen treatment, the studios spend hundreds of millions of dollars bringing that property to life; just look at the budgets for projects like Transformers, G.I. Joe, and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Those movies might not be critically loved, or even always loved by the fans…

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