Stewart Scorches CNN for Skipping Baltimore Protests in Favor of WHCD Red Carpet | Mediaite

CNN took a great deal of heat on Saturday evening for going all-out in its White House Correspondents’ Dinner coverage at the expense of ongoing protests in Baltimore. That general consensus of mockery continued Monday evening when Jon Stewart dedicated two full segments to lambasting the cable news network for its programming choices. “Once again,…

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Stephen Hawking had the perfect response to a 1D fan’s Zayn Malik question

One month after Zayn Malik quit One Direction, we are still a world in mourning. At times like this, we turn to trusted authority figures—like renowned theoretical physicist Stephen Hawking. During an event at the Sydney Opera House this weekend, an audience member asked Hawking about the “cosmological effect” of Malik leaving 1D and breaking…

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I read books by only minority authors for a year. It showed me just how white our reading world is. – The Washington Post

By Sunili Govinnage April 24 Follow @suniliSunili Govinnage is a freelance writer and human rights lawyer from Perth, Australia. She is a volunteer editor for (Victor R. Caivano/AP) In 2014, I decided that for the entire year, I would not read books written by white authors. My goal was to address the reading practices…

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