The new Gamergate: Angry white men are trying to shut down diverse comics –

Right-wing parasites, misogynist Men’s Rights activists, and opportunistic grifters who so desperately latched onto Gamergate are on the prowl again. As the culture war within the video game community continues to lose steam from its peak at the end of 2014, the conservative heroes of the anti-feminist movement are desperately looking to continue their fight…

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YOU CAN BELIEVE: The X-Files Is Officially Returning!

THE X-FILES IS OFFICIALLY COMING BACK! Rinse out your black t-shirt with “I want to believe” on it, because it’s freaking happening, people. Mulder and Scully are returning!!!! Fox just issued a press release confirming the long-whispered return of The X-Files — and also confirming the return of David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson asFBI Agents…

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The live-streaming app where amateurs get paid to chat, eat, and sleep on camera | The Verge

Tayser Abuhamdeh doesn’t have what most people would call an exciting job. He works behind the counter at a deli in Brooklyn, a small shop that does a brisk business in snacks, coffee, and cigarettes. In June of last year, on a whim and mostly out of boredom, Abuhamdeh mounted his phone next to the…

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