As “Meerkat Election” hype grows, the presidential primary winner is Twitter | digiphile

The New York Times “First Draft” and Politico Playbook picked up the “Meerkat Election” idea today, so get ready for the hype cycle to wash through the commentariat. Former Florida governor Jeb Bush “meerkatted” yesterday — which is to say, used an app integrated with Twitter on his smartphone to livestream an event online. If…

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Azealia Banks Talks ‘Fat White Americans,’ Kanye West And Race In Playboy Interview

Entry Text Azealia Banks did not hold back during her interview with Playboy for the magazine’s April 2015 issue, discussing topics like pervasive racism, her sex life and even Kanye West. The 23-year-old Harlem native, known for her no-holds-barred tweets, began her career sharing songs on Myspace and emailing producers for beats. In November, she…

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The Bizarre, Unsolved Mystery of ‘My Immortal’ — Vulture

No one knows who wrote this infamously bad, now-legendary <em>Harry Potter</em> fanfiction. Photo: Jed Egan and Photos: Warner Bros., Shutterstock Like Stonehenge or the works of Shakespeare, we’ll probably never know who was behind “My Immortal” — the massive Harry Potter–inspired text that is widely regarded as the worst piece of fanfiction ever written — but…

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Trinidad James Dismisses SAE Fraternity, Discusses His Usage Of The N-Word (VIDEO)

Entry Text Last week Trinidad James found himself in the midst of the controversy surrounding a viral clip showing a University of Oklahoma Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity house mother repeating the N-word several times as his 2012 single “All Gold Everything” played in the background.Immediately following the backlash, the former Def Jam Records signee said…

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DC Comics Cancels “Batgirl” Joker Variant Cover at Artist’s Request – Comic Book Resources

UPDATE 3/16/2015 10:00 PM PT: Rafael Abuquerque and “Batgirl” co-writer Cameron Stewart have both taken to Twitter to clarify the reference to “threats of violence and harassment” in DC Comics’ statement concerning the cancellation of the “Batgirl” #41 variant cover.   Abuquerque, the artist of the variant cover, wrote, “Ill talk more about it tomorrow…

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Top Gear ratings disaster: 4m viewers switch off after Jeremy Clarkson replaced – Telegraph

BBC bosses told Clarkson off for supping a gin and tonic while behind the wheel of a pick-up truck November 2008: Lorry drivers With reference to Peter Sutcliffe, the Yorkshire Ripper, Clarkson joked on the show about how lorry drivers “murder prostitutes” February 2009: Gordon Brown The then prime minister was dismissed as a “one-eyed…

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