Skyrim Vs Fallout Battle Ends Gruesomely

People love pondering who’d win impossible fights. Superman vs Goku, Godzilla vs a Pacific Rim robot, my dad vs your dad. Finally, though, here’s one we can actually watch: Fallout 3‘s main character vs Skyrim‘s Dovahkiin. Andrewmfilms put together this impressively choreographed, reference-packed battle between Bethesda’s two biggest stars. In it, both combatants pull out…

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Exclusive: Potential Alibi Witness for Convicted Murderer in ‘Serial’ Breaks Silence With New Affidavit |

The former classmate of Adnan Syed’s who could hold the key to unraveling his conviction in the murder of Hae Min Lee has written a new affidavit reasserting that she was with Syed at the exact time the state argued that he killed his ex-girlfriend in 1999, and alleging that… Exclusive: Potential Alibi Witness for Convicted…

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#129 – Cartoonists react to Paris attack – It’s All Journalism

[if lt IE 9]>< ![endif]“It is every cartoonist’s worse nightmare and it’s absolutely chilling. Sadness, shock and horror.” That’s how political cartoonist Jen Sorensen described her reaction on hearing of the Jan. 7, 2015, attack on the Paris headquarters of the Charlie Hebdo magazine by two Islamist gunman. The shootings killed 12, including cartoonists…

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