THE LAZARUS EFFECT Trailer: Olivia Wilde Comes Back From The Dead To Wail On The Living

THE LAZARUS EFFECT Trailer: Olivia Wilde Comes Back From The Dead To Wail On The Living Stop resurrecting dead folks, guys. It never turns out well. “” frameborder= “0” allowfullscreen=””> On the one hand, The Lazarus Effect looks pretty generic. I anticipated most of the beats in the trailer without knowing a thing about it other than…

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‘Game of Thrones’ coming to IMAX

Two episodes from “Game of Thrones” will make their IMAX debut later this month. main NEW YORK (CNNMoney) “Game of Thrones” is coming to an IMAX theater near you. HBO announced Tuesday that two episodes from its wildly popular fantasy saga “Game of Thrones” will be getting the IMAX treatment for one week later this…

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Sony Admits Losing Out on Gadgets (

plsfield:descriptionTOKYO, Jan. 20 — Sony missed out on potential sales from MP3 players and other gadgets because it was overly proprietary about music and entertainment content, the head of Sony Corp.’s video-game unit acknowledged Thursday.Ken Kutaragi, president of Sony Computer Entertainment Inc., said he and other Sony employees have been frustrated for years with management’s…

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