About That Dumb Star Wars Boycott « terribleminds: chuck wendig

*pinches bridge of nose* *exhales noisily* Of course there’s a Star Wars Episode VII boycott. And there’s a hashtag to boot. Because of course there’s a hashtag. One-click buffet-style serving of shittiness, coming right up. (Behold, the Mary Sue article about it.) Apparently people are mad because blah blah black dude protagonist with a lightsaber, or…

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The Glorious Poster For Star Wars: The Force Awakens Has A Giant Planet Killer On It

The official one-sheet poster for Star Wars: The Force Awakens just dropped, and it’s glorious. It’s also loaded with new details, including our first glimpse of the rumored planet-killer superweapon. The new poster features the new characters that we know of so far: Kylo Ren, Captain Phasma, Poe Dameron, Rey, Finn, BB-8 and Maz Kanataand,…

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10 Space Empires That Actually Make Economic Sense

‘; if (google_ads[0].bidtype == ‘CPC’) { /* insert this snippet for each ad call */ google_adnum = google_adnum + google_ads.length; } document.write(s); } } google_ad_client = ‘ca-pub-0457527031304647’; google_ad_output = ‘js’; google_max_num_ads = ‘1’; google_ad_type = ‘text’; google_feedback = ‘on’; google_skip = google_adnum; google_ad_channel = ‘1102379497’; Everybody loves a huge space empire. A far-flung interplanetary civilization…

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Meet the Hollywood Prop Designer Making NASA’s Spacesuits | VICE | United States

All photos by the author Chris Gilman made a name for himself as a Hollywood prop designer, specializing in space-related movie props and effects for films like Deep Impact, Star Trek, and Armageddon. His company, Global Effects Inc, became notorious in the industry for their unparalleled ability to manufacture hyperrealistic space suits—the kind that mirrored…

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Syfy’s new “Childhood’s End” could be the perfect show for our quasi-populist, government-hating times – Salon.com

For a lot of people, the Syfy network peaked back when it was still called the Sci-Fi network. That was about a decade ago, when the channel took up a failed, one-season ‘70s project and made it into the smart and elaborately plotted “Battlestar Galactica” we’re more likely to remember now. These days, in some…

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