EU Referendum: Brexit Vote Results Live
Follow the UK’s Brexit vote as the ballots are counted EU Referendum: Brexit Vote Results Live. Source: EU Referendum: Brexit Vote Results Live
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Follow the UK’s Brexit vote as the ballots are counted EU Referendum: Brexit Vote Results Live. Source: EU Referendum: Brexit Vote Results Live
Britain could soon vote to leave the European Union. John Oliver enlists a barbershop quartet to propose a smarter option. Connect with Last Week Tonight online… Subscribe to the Last Week Tonight YouTube channel for more almost news as it almost happens: www.youtube.com/user/LastWeekTonight Find Last Week Tonight on Facebook like your mom would: http://Facebook.com/LastWeekTonight Follow…
Something incredible is underway: Long-term interest rates are collapsing in a big way. German 10-year yields moved into negative territory this week for the first time ever. U.S. 10-year yields have dropped back to 2012 lows. According to Fitch, the volume of global government bonds trading with negative yield has crossed the $10 trillion mark…
When the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) signed off on the new National Market System (Reg NMS) in 2005, the goal was to transform the 188-year-old New York Stock Exchange from an old school institution where specialists shouted from the trading floor into a hyper-efficient system of computers quietly matching orders in real time. This…
America’s richest self-made woman is broke. On June 1, Forbes went viral when it downgraded its estimation of Elizabeth Holmes’ wealth from $4.5 billion to zero. The magazine argued that Theranos, the embattled biotech company Holmes founded, should no longer be valued at $9 billion. Therano’s new valuation of $800 million meant Holmes’ 50% common…
A financial meltdown in China is the currently the leading contender for “Next global financial crisis that will definitely screw you somehow, even though you don’t have that much money.” We now know that GEORGE SOROS is betting on China’s demise too. http://gawker.com/how-scared-sho… Soros is famous for making a billion bucks betting against the British…
The mobile app boom kicked off in July 2008, when Apple introduced the App Store. Now it is over. People are still making plenty of apps, of course. And many people are still downloading them. But the go-go growth days are gone. If you are an independent app developer or publisher, you have probably known…
Voters will decide on the “Brexit” question in a June 23 referendum. Postal voting forms are available ahead of time. Christopher Furlong/Getty Images hide caption toggle caption Christopher Furlong/Getty Images Voters will decide on the “Brexit” question in a June 23 referendum. Postal voting forms are available ahead of time. Christopher Furlong/Getty…
Last Friday’s employment report cast a pall over the economic outlook. Headline jobs growth of just 38,000 was much weaker than expected and left us all wondering whether the Federal Reserve would wait longer to raise interest rates. The manufacturing sector shed 10,000 jobs, and has shown job losses in three of the past four…
Nearly half of unemployed Americans have quit looking for work, and the numbers are even worse for the long-term jobless, according to a poll released Wednesday that paints a grim picture of the labor market. Some 59 percent of those who have been out of work for two years or more say they have stopped…