The millennials are all right, and so are their sex games – Offworld

Condescension drips off the opening screen of Millennial Swipe Sim 2015, a game that purports to simulate the “thrilling world of app-based dating.” Much like Tinder, it presents you with photos of potential suitors—albeit pixelated ones—and asks you to swipe right or left to indicate if you’re interested. “But watch out,” it warns. “Stop swiping…

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Rainbow Mika Returns to the Ring In Street Fighter V! She Hasn’t Changed A Bit Since 1998. | The Mary Sue

The latest addition to Street Fighter V‘s upcoming roster has been announced today, and it’s Rainbow Mika! Street Fighter fans will remember this grapple-focused wrestler from her 1998 appearance in Street Fighter Alpha 3. Also, um, one can’t help but notice that she is still wearing the exact same outfit that she wore in 1998, except her…

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One Year Later, The Women Of Gamergate Open Up: ‘There’s A Lot Of Work To Do, Still’ – MTV

One year ago, the Internet became a much stranger, much darker place when the Gamergate controversy kicked off, via a blog post attacking independent game developer Zoe Quinn. The 9,425-word blog post (by Quinn’s ex-boyfriend) alleged that Quinn had a relationship with gaming journalist Nathan Grayson that enabled her to garner favorable reviews, but this…

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Managing Hearts with Kim and Flo – The New Inquiry

coins metadata inserted by kblog-metadata Casual games mirror women’s work, teaching their players that affective labor counts At the start of Kim Kardashian: Hollywood, you, the player, learn how to fold a shirt. You tap your smartphone’s touchscreen a few times to have the customizable cartoon avatar straighten a clothing display. Kim Kardashian soon appears,…

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