Gamergate Critic Leigh Alexander to Found New Website for Women and Minority Gamers | Re/code

Leigh Alexander, the Gamasutra editor-at-large whose editorial opposing the online gamer movement Gamergate prompted a months-long imbroglio with Intel, is leaving Gamasutra to found a new site with BoingBoing called Offworld. Alexander’s essay, published in August 2014, urged game developers to stop catering to the culture of sexist fans who had harassed and threatened the…

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LucasArts and the rationalist tendency in videogames – Kill Screen – Videogame Arts & Culture.

It was October 2, 2000, and somewhere in the sub-basement of CNET’s popular website Gamecenter, two editors simultaneously inserted their keys into the doomsday machine. They looked at each other, a mix of pain and grim determination on their faces. One nodded. They turned their keys and pressed the glowing red button. It was done….

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Brianna Wu vs. the Gamergate Troll Army |

Why would anyone want to kill Brianna Wu? At Arisia, of all places. It’s a fantasy and science-fiction convention, a festival of make-believe. The crowd inside the Westin Boston Waterfront hotel on this snowy Saturday in January is costumed, countercultural, and wildly diverse–androgynous couples in matching outfits, playful warriors packing “safe-bonded” heat (the barrels are plugged),…

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Homeworld: The Return Of A Game That’s Almost Perfect

Playing through Homeworld again after all these years is weird. Games are forever changing. Usually, they’re advancing. They progress not just in terms of visuals, but design. Shooters, for example, change the way you take cover and recover damage, while stealth games have developed smoother controls and give the player a greater awareness of what’s…

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Trolling female gamers in the name of satire isn’t funny—it’s abusive

A video appeared recently that that reawakened fears about Gamergate. It caused game developer Brianna Wu to file a restraining order against the man in the video. It was also a factor in her reasoning to pull her company, Giant Spacekat, out of gaming festival PAX East, fearing for her employees’ safety. It scared Wu, it scared other female developers…

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