The 10 Best Articles Wikipedia Deleted This Week

When the faceless, unaccountable (and nearly exclusively male) editors of Wikipedia decide that an article is not fit for public consumption, it’s gone—disappeared into the site’s recesses, and only accessible to the most elite editors. These deleted articles have been a dark spot in Wikipedia’s otherwise laudable transparency. That is, until now. Wikipedia’s deletion rules…

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How America went from the land of opportunity to the bastion of the frantic – The Washington Post

(Tom Toles) In 1973 everything changed. The postwar boom went missing. Jobs were suddenly less plentiful. The 1970’s became a decade of inflation and foreign imports flooded in. In 1980 everything changed again. Supply-side economics looked like it might be the answer. Taxes were cut, we started running giant deficits, and capitalism was reinvigorated in…

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The first website went online 25 years ago today

Where are the creators in 2015? Berners-Lee is still as tightly involved with web as he ever was, directing the World Wide Web Consortium he helped create. In fact, he’s pushing hard to protect the open web against both government censorship and telecoms’ attempts to crush net neutrality. CERN’s role, however, has changed somewhat. While…

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White man in the photo is the ‘third hero’ that night in 1968 | SF Globe

This last October marks the ninth anniversary of Peter Norman’s passing. Most people don’t know Norman. Pictured below, Norman is perhaps “the third hero of that night in 1968,” writes Italian writer Riccardo Gazzaniga. With permission from Gazzaniga and Griot Magazine, SF Globe reprints Gazzaniga’s essay on Norman here: Sometimes photographs deceive. Take this one,…

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The Statue of Liberty Was Originally a Muslim Woman | Smart News | Smithsonian

The United States has debated immigration since the country’s founding, and the Statue of Liberty—a potent symbol for immigrants—is often invoked as an argument for why we should usher in those who seek safety and opportunity with open arms. A little-known fact about Lady Liberty adds an intriguing twist to today’s debate about refugees from the Muslim world: As pointed out by The Daily…

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