What’s the origin of “[X number of] souls onboard”? – English Language & Usage Stack Exchange

In nautical (and aeronautical) contexts, a vessel may declare a number of “souls onboard”. I’ve googled around for origin of that phrase, but haven’t found a definitive explanation. Most discussions of the phrase I’ve seen on aeronautical forums and obviously concern the usage in aviation, with the discussion often revolving around on rescuers tallying the…

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America’s immoral exceptionalism: The lie we keep telling ourselves about foreign policy and democracy – Salon.com

The task of historians in our time is to unbury the buried. For journalists, it is to see that the truth of events is never interred—or at least that enough of it is available for later historians to dig up the whole. The age is impoverished in both respects. Christian Appy, an accomplished historian of…

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