John Oliver Wants to Make ‘Revenge Porn’ a Federal Crime. Why That’s a Terrible Idea – Hit & Run :

Screenshot/Last Week TonightDear Good People of the U.S. who want to stop The Bad Things from Happening: Great! I, too, want to stop The Bad Things from happening. Most people do. But we have got to talk about this impulse to accomplish good things by simply making all the bad things into federal crimes. It’s…

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As Another Accusation Bites the Dust, Columbia Rape Saga Takes New Turn –

YouTube screen captureThis week’s graduation at Columbia University caps the bizarre, often sordid saga involving the two most famous members of the Class of 2015: Emma Sulkowicz, the activist who protested the school’s alleged mishandling of her alleged rape by carrying a mattress around campus, and Jean-Paul Nungesser, the German scholarship student she accuses of…

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