I’m So Damn Tired of Slave Movies

The Birth of a Nation, Nate Parker’s Sundance darling period piece about the deadliest slave insurrection in American history, was purchased by Fox Searchlight on early Tuesday morning for $17.5 million. It was the largest deal in Sundance history, and coverage immediately suggested that The Birth of a Nation will function as some way through…

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Ta-Nehisi Coates on Bernie Sanders and the Liberal Imagination – The Atlantic

Last week I critiqued Bernie Sanders for dismissing reparations specifically, and for offering up a series of moderate anti-racist solutions, in general. Some felt it was unfair to single out Sanders given that, on reparations, Sanders’s chief opponent Hillary Clinton holds the same position. This argument proposes that we abandon the convention of judging our…

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The Oscar Whiteness Machine – The New Yorker

The failure of the Academy Awards to recognize black performers and filmmakers creates a dangerously circular system that robs the next generation of daring and diverse cinema. Credit Photograph by Toby Canham / Getty Barrier Status: ‘none’ The Oscars almost never get it right. Alfred Hitchcock never won one; Elaine May has never won one….

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Why aren’t we calling the Oregon occupiers ‘terrorists?’ – The Washington Post

Oregon’s Malheur National Wildlife Headquarters was occupied Saturday, Jan. 2, by a group of activists protesting the federal prosecution of two ranchers, slated to report to prison Monday on arson charges. (Reuters) As of Sunday afternoon, The Washington Post called them “occupiers.” The New York Times opted for “armed activists” and “militia men.” And the Associated…

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“We no longer trust the local criminal justice system”: Tamir Rice’s attorneys, family accuse prosecutor of “sabotaging” case – Salon.com

The family of Tamir Rice is lashing out against the criminal justice system after a grand jury declined Monday to indict the police officer who shot the 12-year-old at a park in Cleveland in November 2014. Rice’s family has argued the non-indictment in the case, in which a black child was killed by a white police…

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Grand Jury Decides Cop Had No Choice But To Shoot 12-Year-Old Tamir Rice Dead, Oh Well | Wonkette

Sorry, kid, but you had to die Shocking no one but disgusting everyone whose heart isn’t made of dog vomit, a grand jury has determined Cleveland Police Officer Timothy Loehmann was justified in shooting a 12-year-old black child dead in November 2014. Thus, after more than a year of investigation, Loehmann — whose daddy said…

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