We need to engineer the racism out of apps | Fusion

Last year, San Francisco released BART Watch, an app for reporting crimes on the Bay Area’s main transit system. After filing a California Public Records Act request to see what people were reporting, the East Bay Express found a disturbing pattern: Of the 763 alerts sent to BART, 198 included a description of the race…

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The pathetic conspiratorial reaction to the Seattle activists who shut down Bernie Sanders

Ever since Marissa Janae Johnson and Mara Jacqueline Willaford commandeered the stage at a Seattle Bernie Sanders rally this past weekend, some pretty despicable attempts to smear their motives has dominated the discussion – mostly perpetuated by people who consider themselves to be “progressives” both in the blogosphere and in the comment sections. Even we…

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You Can’t Break What Ain’t Fixed — Black Lives Matter — Medium

You Can’t Break What Ain’t Fixed To liberal white Americans, Bernie Sanders represents the salvation of the American Dream. In a time of staggering inequality, the only independent Senator in America — and quite possibly the only self-identified socialist — feels like a dream candidate. His pedigree standing up to powerful interests is perhaps the most impressive of any…

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Yankees Affiliate: Timing Of Blue Lives Matter Day An ‘Unfortunate Coincidence’

On Sunday, one year to the day after 18-year-old Michael Brown was shot and killed by police officer Darren Wilson in Ferguson, Missouri, people from the community gathered to remember and reflect. At the same time, halfway across the country in Staten Island, New York, baseball fans were made a part of a “Blue Lives Matter” event…

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