Protesters drove Bernie Sanders from one Seattle stage. At his next stop, 15,000 people showed. – The Washington Post

Bernie Sanders was scheduled to deliver two speeches in Seattle on Saturday. The first didn’t happen. An appearance by the senator from Vermont at an event celebrating the anniversary of Social Security and Medicare was scuttled after protesters from a local Black Lives Matter chapter took over the stage. Hours later, Sanders, who has been…

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Bernie Sanders Unveils Sweeping Policy Platform To Combat Racial Inequality

WASHINGTON — A day after being interrupted by Black Lives Matters protesters at a campaign event in Seattle, Washington, Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) released a detailed platform on combating racial inequality. Sanders’ campaign posted the platform on his website on Sunday, and he addressed the issue of racial justice that evening in front…

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Bernie Sanders, Black Lives Matter and the racial divide in Seattle – The Seattle Globalist

Presidential candidate Bernie Sanders walked away from the microphone as activists Mara Jacqueline Willaford and Marissa Johnson disrupted a rally at Westlake Center on Saturday where he was scheduled to speak about Social Security. (Photo by Alex Garland) On Saturday, Bernie Sanders came to Seattle for a fundraiser and rally. At the rally at Westlake…

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Howard Morgan, Chicago Man Shot 28 Times By Chicago Cops, Sentenced To 40 Years In Prison

AD ads_sharebox_260x60 Entry Text A 61-year-old Chicago man who was shot 28 times by Chicago police officers in 2005 — and lived to tell his side of the story — was sentenced early Thursday afternoon to serve 40 years in prison, essentially a life sentence. Howard Morgan, himself a former Chicago police officer, was…

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The Ferguson Protests Worked

Credit: Jake Reeves/The Huffington Post FERGUSON, Mo. — Nearly a half-century ago, a University of Missouri law professor named T.E. Lauer issued a warning. Missouri’s network of municipal courts, he wrote, were “a modern anomaly” generally “overlooked or ignored as the misshapen stepchildren of our judicial system.” It was “disgraceful,” he argued, that poor people…

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How The Breakdown Of Trust With The Police Impacts Black Lives | ThinkProgress

For many African Americans, tuning into the nightly news and skimming through social media timelines has become an exercise in maintaining psychological well-being. The barrage of videos in which police officers attack and kill black people, along with ongoing discussions about race-based violence, can elicit fears that they, too, may succumb to an officer’s bullet….

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