UK adopts antisemitism definition to combat hate crime against Jews | Society | The Guardian

The government is to formally adopt a definition of what constitutes antisemitism, which includes over-sweeping condemnation of Israel, with Theresa May saying the measure will help efforts to combat hate crime against Jews. Britain will become one of the first countries to use this definition of antisemitism, as agreed last May at a conference of…

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CNN Sees Backlash Over “If Jews Are People” Headline Chyron | Hollywood Reporter

The chyron aired during a segment discussing President-elect Donald Trump’s transition and support from the alt-right. CNN saw swift backlash from the media and viewers over an onscreen message that aired on Monday’s The Lead With Jake Tapper. During a segment on President-elect Donald Trump’s transition, CNN’s Jim Sciutto spoke with two media correspondents about alt-right leader…

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‘Hail Trump!’ video with Nazi references causes outrage online

People are mostly shocked by this ‘Hail Trump’ video Image: Screengrab/the atlantic By Gianluca Mezzofiore2016-11-22 11:54:44 UTC A video published on The Atlantic that shows Richard B. Spencer — founder and ideologue of the “alt-right” movement — shouting “Hail Trump, hail our people, hail victory” has caused heated reaction on social media. Spencer’s salute to…

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Promoted Tweet For Nazi Site Highlights Twitter’s Opaque Enforcement Policies – BuzzFeed News

Writer Ariana Lenarsky was scrolling through her Twitter feed at 6:08 P.M. last night when she says she came upon a tweet from new_order_1488, a Neo Nazi account. “‘New Article: The United States Was Founded as a White People’s Republic’ on NEW ORDER website,” it read. The hashtag #WhiteAmerica followed. Racist and white supremacist content…

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Trump’s win, the greatest victory for anti-Semitism in America since 1941 – U.S. Election 2016 – Haaretz – Israel News |

The Jew haters are celebrating. And Jews – from Jared Kushner to Sheldon Adelson –helped it happen.     Screen grab of Donald Trump’s tweet of an image of Hillary Clinton with the words “Most Corrupt Candidate Ever” on a Star of David-like form. July 2, 2016.Twitter Tuesday’s election marked a stunning victory for Donald…

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Trump’s Win, the Greatest Victory for anti-Semitism in America Since 1941 – U.S. Election 2016 – Haaretz – Israel News

  Home > World News > U.S. Election 2016 www_responsive/articlebody.vm Opinion Trump’s Win, the Greatest Victory for anti-Semitism in America Since 1941   The Jew haters are celebrating. And Jews – from Jared Kushner to Sheldon Adelson –helped it happen.     Screen grab of Donald Trump’s tweet of an image of Hillary Clinton with…

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Anti-Defamation League Study Shows “Significant Uptick” In Anti-Semitic Twitter Abuse – BuzzFeed News

A graph from the Anti-Defamation League study showing spikes in anti-Semitic harassment on Twitter. Harassment and abuse on Twitter is rampant. In recent years, the platform has become a primary destination for trolls and hate groups. And as the US election season reaches its final stretch, the social network can feel increasingly toxic to women…

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