North Carolina Has Repealed Every Single Local LGBT Anti-Discrimination Measure

White men making laws about bathrooms. On Wednesday evening, the North Carolina legislature passed a bill overturning every local LGBT anti-discrimination measure in the state and requiring that individuals use the restroom of the biological sex on their birth certificate. The bill, which was written in response to an anti-discrimination measure in Charlotte, was introduced…

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Transgender Law Center condemns South Dakota bill targeting transgender youth | Transgender Law Center

[if lt IE 9]> < ![endif] This site is powered by Shareaholic – Shareaholic Content Tags Shareaholic Content Tags End Shareaholic Open Graph Tags Shareaholic Open Graph Tags End [if lt IE 9]> Today, the South Dakota Senate voted 20-15 to pass HB 1008, a dangerous bill that singles out transgender students and prohibits…

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Batwoman Makes Her Surprisingly Gay (And Surprisingly Great) Animated Debut in “Batman: Bad Blood” | Autostraddle

  As studios and networks have finally begun to grapple with the shocking reality that audiences enjoy watching women go on adventures, we’ve seen an influx of female protagonists on superhero television in the last year. And while Agent Carter, Jessica Jones, and Supergirl have all been emphatically pushing the conversation forward, another hero took a quiet and revolutionary step earlier…

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Queerness, Censorship, and ‘Steven Universe’

Cartoon Network Fans of Cartoon Network’s Steven Universe were disappointed to discover that the episode We Need to Talk, which first aired in the US in June 2015, was apparently re-edited for its UK broadcast, removing the most intimate shots of the fusion dance between Pearl and Rose Quartz, replacing them mostly with Greg Universe’s slackjawed reaction….

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What’s A Skoliosexual?

Miley Cyrus made headlines over the summer when she came out as pansexual, thereby introducing many people to a term that they may have heard before but don’t entirely understand. But pansexual is just one of many sexual and romantic identities that exist beyond more commonly known and discussed orientations like heterosexual, homosexual and bisexual. In fact, some…

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