“It’s not ‘gay’ marriage”—why Wonder Woman and other comics tell strong political stories – Quartz

In the latest Wonder Woman comic (released in digital format on Aug. 20), the feminist icon becomes the first DC hero to officiate a marriage between characters of the same gender. After performing the ceremony, Wonder Woman schools Clark Kent on his provincial view of marriage. “I… didn’t know you’re a proponent of gay marriage?”…

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We’re Not Broken: Asexual Characters in Pop Culture | Bitch Media

  Asexuality pride signs at a 2012 Pride Parade in Stockholm. Photo by Mikusagi, Creative Commons.   The asexual visibility movement has grown over the past few years—many asexuals are starting to come out of the closet and demand respect. Unfortunately, asexuality remains a relatively invisible orientation in our pop culture. That leaves many asexuals still…

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Metroid’s Samus Aran is a Transgender Woman. Deal With It. | The Mary Sue

There’s been a lot of talk lately about the lack of women protagonists in videogames. But our problems with diversity don’t stop there. As one article recently noted, shockingly, there have only been 14 playable black women in videogame history. Gamers who aren’t cisgender white men often find themselves lacking characters they can rally behind….

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Despite High Court Ruling, Kentucky Clerk Denies Marriage Licences : The Two-Way : NPR

END ID=”RES436569067″ CLASS=”BUCKETWRAP TWITTER LARGE GRAPHIC624″ Despite a Supreme Court ruling that compelled a Rowan County clerk in Kentucky to give out marriage licenses to gay couples, Kim Davis refused to comply once again on Tuesday morning by denying marriage licenses to everyone. Ryland Barton, a reporter for Kentucky Public Radio, reports that Davis said…

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Controversy clouds excitement for Marvel’s ‘All New, All Different’ relaunch

For many fans, Marvel’s “All New, All Different” relaunch has already been soured by controversy. The All New, All Different Marvel Comics universe will begin with a rollout of around 60 new titles starting in October. The plan is to revitalize old favorites while making the Marvel universe more accessible to new readers, including some…

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