Kathryn Borel just destroyed Ghomeshi’s and the CBC’s efforts to rescue their reputations | Financial Post

So much for best-laid plans. After hundreds of thousands of dollars in legal and public-relations fees, Jian Ghomeshi once again looked to be riding high, his reputation, if not fully rehabilitated, at least rejuvenated. He’d made some smart moves. Rather than rushing forward with an ill-fated attempt to come at the CBC seeking arbitration for…

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Obama orders public schools to allow transgender students access to restrooms | Society | The Guardian

The Obama administration will order all US public schools to allow transgender students to access restrooms that match their identities in a move that escalates the national fight over LGBT rights that has erupted in response to North Carolina’s controversial “bathroom bill”. The Justice Department and department of education will send the decree, a copy…

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Obama issues sweeping protections for transgender students | US news | The Guardian

Obama to public schools: open restrooms to transgender students Today the Obama administration will issue a sweeping directive to public schools across the US to allow transgender students to access restrooms and locker rooms that are consistent with their gender identities. In a move that is likely to escalate the contentious national battle over LGBT…

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How Tuberculosis Shaped Victorian Fashion | Science | Smithsonian

Marie Duplessis, French courtesan and Parisian celebrity, was a striking Victorian beauty. In her best-known portrait, by Édouard Viénot, her glossy black hair frames a beautiful, oval face with sparkling eyes and ivory skin. But Duplessis’ fame was short-lived. Like Violetta, the protagonist in Giuseppe Verdi’s opera La Traviata whose tale Duplessis inspired, Duplessis was…

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My Father, Woody Allen, and the Danger of Questions Unasked (Guest Column) – Hollywood Reporter

  Despite Dylan Farrow’s damning allegations of sexual abuse, the director of Cannes’ opening film today remains beloved by stars, paid by Amazon and rarely interrogated by media as his son, Ronan Farrow, writes about the culture of acquiescence surrounding his father. “They’re accusations. They’re not in the headlines. There’s no obligation to mention them.”…

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