Breitbart “News” Finally Goes All-in on White Supremacism – Little Green Footballs

Of course it’s Milo Yiannopoulos (with his crony Allum Bokhari) who finally takes Breitbart “News” all the way over the line into overt white supremacism, with a lengthy, utterly disgusting article singing the praises of the “alt-right” movement — the latest term neo-Nazis, Gamergate trolls and white nationalists use to describe themselves: An Establishment Conservative’s…

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The Ugly New Front In The Neverending Video Game Culture War

Gaming’s culture war hasn’t ended. It’s still roiling, with new fights, new targets, new depths of ugliness, but also many of the same tactics. ‘; if (google_ads[0].bidtype == ‘CPC’) { /* insert this snippet for each ad call */ google_adnum = google_adnum + google_ads.length; } document.write(s); } } google_ad_client = ‘ca-pub-0457527031304647’; google_ad_output = ‘js’; google_max_num_ads…

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Trump Says Abortion Ban Should Carry Punishment for Women – Bloomberg Politics

Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump said Wednesday there would “have to be some form of punishment” for women who have abortions if the procedure were outlawed in the U.S. The comment, which is sure to rile abortion-rights supporters, came during a week where Trump is fighting to defend himself on women’s issues on multiple fronts ahead of a…

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The tech industry wants to use women’s voices – they just won’t listen to them | Technology | The Guardian

By now you’ve probably heard the story of Tay, Microsoft’s social AI experiment that went from “friendly millennial girl” to genocidal misogynist in less than a day. While Tay promised to learn from her interactions with people online, Microsoft apparently hasn’t learned anything from the countless headlines about how Twitter users like to talk to…

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Donald Trump Talks About Women’s Skin, the Way the Leader of the Free World Often Does – Racked

Donald Trump can find something to hate about pretty much everyone. The GOP frontrunner has proudly proclaimed one horrible, misogynist thing after another about women, immigrants, foreigners, everyone, but he’s pretty much left Hollywood alone. Until now. Buzzfeed’s Andrew Kaczynski managed to dig up Trump’s unasked-for opinions on the looks of some of the most beautiful women…

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“I feel like he might be the white version of Barack Obama”: These middle schoolers get super candid debating Bernie Sanders vs. Hillary Clinton –

New York City middle school students are feeling the Bern, don’t trust Hillary Clinton and debated what it takes for a woman to be president. They might be holding out for Kanye’s bid in 2020, though. The students took a break from their P.S. 127 arts & literacy after school program to candidly discuss. Watch our…

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