North Carolina Sued Over Anti-LGBT Law – BuzzFeed News

Three individuals and two LGBT advocacy groups early Monday morning filed a lawsuit in federal court challenging the recently passed North Carolina law that nullified local LGBT rights ordinances and restricted transgender people’s access to restrooms. “By singling out LGBT people for disfavored treatment and explicitly writing discrimination against transgender people into state law, H.B….

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The Last Amazon – The New Yorker

  Wonder Woman, introduced in 1941, was a creation of utopian feminism, inspired by Margaret Sanger and the ideals of free love. Credit Photograph by Grant Cornett Barrier Status: ‘none’ The Wonder Woman Family Museum occupies a one-room bunker beneath a two-story house on a hilly street in Bethel, Connecticut. It contains more than four…

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Bathroom Bills Aren’t About Religious Freedom

This Wednesday, North Carolina passed the most dangerous piece of anti-LGBT legislation in the country, restricting cities from passing nondiscrimination laws and preventing trans people from using bathrooms that represents their gender identity. All of this has been done in the name of so-called “religious freedom.” It was just moments after Skye Thompson, a transgender…

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Bathroom Bills Aren’t About Religious Freedom

This Wednesday, North Carolina passed the most dangerous piece of anti-LGBT legislation in the country, restricting cities from passing nondiscrimination laws and preventing trans people from using bathrooms that represents their gender identity. All of this has been done in the name of so-called “religious freedom.” It was just moments after Skye Thompson, a transgender…

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Mocked and forgotten: who will speak for the American white working class? | US news | The Guardian

The National Review, a conservative magazine for the Republican elite, recently unleashed an attack on the “white working class”, who they see as the core of Trump’s support. The first essay, Father Führer, was written by the National Review’s Kevin Williamson, who used his past reporting from places such as Appalachia and the Rust Belt…

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