it’s a strategic mistake to get the case for equality bound up in aesthetics | Fredrik deBoer

I have said, many times, that the deepening progressive obsession with pop culture minutia is a profound strategic and analytical mistake. It devotes scarce political resources to concerns that are inherently disconnected from the actual lived oppression of most members of marginalized groups. It convinces a generation of young liberal people that the work of…

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I’m So Damn Tired of Slave Movies

The Birth of a Nation, Nate Parker’s Sundance darling period piece about the deadliest slave insurrection in American history, was purchased by Fox Searchlight on early Tuesday morning for $17.5 million. It was the largest deal in Sundance history, and coverage immediately suggested that The Birth of a Nation will function as some way through…

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“You Know, I Really Enjoy H.A. Goodman and Walker Bragman, But Could you Dumb it Down a Few Shades and Make It Much More Pretentious?” “Done!” – Lawyers, Guns & Money : Lawyers, Guns & Money

Salon dips back into its nostalgia file with horrifying results: During her two presidential campaigns, Hillary Clinton has consistently drawn greater support from women than men. Is this gender lag due to retrograde misogyny, or does Hillary project an uneasiness or ambivalence about men that complicates her appeal to a broader electorate? As a career…

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Donald Trump Fans Attack Megyn Kelly With Sexist Slurs

  Since Donald Trump announced he wouldn’t take part in Thursday’s GOP debate over his dislike of Megyn Kelly, Trump’s fans reacted just as expected: by unleashing a vile torrent of sexist rage against the Fox News anchor. Looking at 80,000 tweets directed at Kelly’s official Twitter handle from Tuesday to Wednesday morning—as well as close…

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New research has uncovered a disturbing trend about female characters in Disney movies – Quartz

Disney’s early princess movies offer heroines that are strikingly similar: soft-spoken, ethereally beautiful, and willing to endure hardship and humiliation without a peep of complaint. Today, Disney’s princesses are a sassier, pluckier bunch. But research has found a surprising trend: Even when they have the starring role, women speak only a minority of the dialogue—and…

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