Ta-Nehisi Coates on Bernie Sanders and the Liberal Imagination – The Atlantic

Last week I critiqued Bernie Sanders for dismissing reparations specifically, and for offering up a series of moderate anti-racist solutions, in general. Some felt it was unfair to single out Sanders given that, on reparations, Sanders’s chief opponent Hillary Clinton holds the same position. This argument proposes that we abandon the convention of judging our…

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Top Trump official defends call for ‘pure breed’ president: Obama is a ‘half-breed’ and so am I

Katrina Pierson, the national spokesperson for Donald Trump’s presidential campaign, on Sunday defended her call for a “pure breed” president by arguing that she was a “half-breed” like President Barack Obama. In 2012, Pierson had complained that both then-GOP nominee Mitt Romney and Obama were not “pure breeds” because their fathers had not been born…

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The Oscar Whiteness Machine – The New Yorker

The failure of the Academy Awards to recognize black performers and filmmakers creates a dangerously circular system that robs the next generation of daring and diverse cinema. Credit Photograph by Toby Canham / Getty Barrier Status: ‘none’ The Oscars almost never get it right. Alfred Hitchcock never won one; Elaine May has never won one….

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