Sons of Noted Racist Vigilante Are ‘Willing To Kill’ In Standoff at a Federal Building in Oregon

A group of militiamen who have taken over a national wildlife refuge in Oregon have been joined by the notable Bundy family, a group of anti-government ranchers headed by a racist patriarch. The group broke into the federal Malhuer Wildlife Refuge after a protest in Harney County, Oregon, on Saturday, following the conviction of two…

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What’s A Skoliosexual?

Miley Cyrus made headlines over the summer when she came out as pansexual, thereby introducing many people to a term that they may have heard before but don’t entirely understand. But pansexual is just one of many sexual and romantic identities that exist beyond more commonly known and discussed orientations like heterosexual, homosexual and bisexual. In fact, some…

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Wrong — This is Hard. — Medium

little while ago, @dtwps published a piece on Model View Cultureentitled “Your Half-Assed Diversity Initiatives Aren’t Going to Cut It In 2016”, in which they asked “Has Twitter learned their lesson?” I thought the answer to that was yes. I thought it was getting better at Twitter. I’d just come off a private talk with some members of the Blackbirds group,…

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Return of Kings Claims that its Star Wars “Boycott” Cost Disney $4.2 million :: We Hunted The Mammoth

Possible inspiration for #BoycottStarWarsVII As you may have heard, Star Wars: The Force Awakens has taken in more than a billion dollars worldwide, so far. $1.09 billion, to be exact. But the folks over on Return of Kings still think that their “boycott” of the film was a HUGE SUCCESS. How’s that, you ask? Well, as RoK contributor…

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