This is right-wing terrorism: The frightening new rise of church and clinic arson — and why you won’t hear about it on Fox News –

While Donald Trump is bragging about closing mosques to fight Islamic terrorism, there has been an under-reported surge of right-wing terrorism recently in the U.S. Since July, when anti-choice crusaders released hoax videos that falsely claimed that Planned Parenthood sells fetal body parts, there has been a rash of arsons at clinics, at least one…

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The Transgender Dating Dilemma

“I have to tell you something,” I said. He looked at me, eyes narrowing. We’d just met, so I can only imagine the infinite possibilities swirling in his head. He had just moved to Atlanta from Chicago and had this whole stereotypical macho thing about him. He was an amateur MMA fighter, came from the…

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The gun crisis we aren’t talking about: Black women are under attack — and America doesn’t care –

The Black Lives Matter Movement has popularized a statistic released a few years ago in a report by the Malcolm X Grassroots Movement. The report found that a Black person is killed every 28 hours by a law enforcement officer or vigilante. A new study released by the Violence Policy Center provides another alarming statistic: Once…

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