How an Ohio reporter helped convict more than 100 rapists – Columbia Journalism Review

On a recent Tuesday morning, members of the DNA Cold Case task force in Cleveland, Ohio, gathered for their weekly meeting. The conference room filled with detectives, prosecutors, a crime analyst, several victim advocates—and one journalist. Rachel Dissell is a reporter for The Plain Dealer, one of two who first uncovered and wrote about neglected…

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Zoë Kravitz: ‘Why do stories happen to white people and everyone else is a punchline?’ | Film | The Guardian

On her first day shooting her first feature, Zoë Kravitz wasn’t allowed to work. Cast as a goth babysitter in the Catherine Zeta-Jones romcom No Reservations, the teenager couldn’t go on set until her designated guardian had signed in. But Lenny Kravitz was running late, and when he eventually arrived, the rock star caused such…

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“Picture yourself as a stereotypical male” | MIT Admissions

  There is empirical evidence to support the idea that males have a higher capacity for spatial reasoning than females. A large-scale 1995 meta-analysis found that on average, men outperform women in a cluster of tests related to spatial ability by nearly a full standard deviation, and in attempt to explain this, researchers have hypothesized about…

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Oregon Judge Refuses To Perform Same-Sex Marriages

 A circuit court judge in Oregon’s Marion County is refusing to perform same-sex marriages, claiming doing so would violate his First Amendment rights. Judge Vance D. Day, who has served in Oregon’s Third Judicial District since 2011, has never married an LGBT couple, and has stopped performing marriages all together. Day says performing gay marriages…

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Why We’re Not Feeling the ‘Respectability Memes’ Trend | Black Girl with Long Hair

  Hupso Share Buttons – Hupso Share Buttons You’ve seen them on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook — memes that divide black women up by respectable vs ratchet, heaping praise on the former and disgust on the latter. They dictate how black women should act and mercilessly shame those who don’t fit the mold, concluding…

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