Four Easy Ways to Be a White Supremacist | Sojourners

At its heart, white supremacy is not about white hoods and burning crosses. EVEN AS SOUTHERN states—and GOP candidates—jumped through hoops to distance themselves from the Confederate flag, a backlash erupted among those claiming the flag was merely a symbol of “heritage.” Battle-flag waving Southerners (and Confederacy sympathizers) seemed to leap at the opportunity to…

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We called out a Silicon Valley investor for wearing a horribly sexist t-shirt at a startup party | Fusion

It was a Saturday night in San Francisco, and so, of course, there was a booze-fueled start-up launch party at a hip SOMA bar. We were among the Kickstarter backers and enthusiasts invited by SpaceVR to “be an astronaut” by donning a virtual reality headset to explore a 3D-version of space pulled together from publicly…

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Are you too gay, fat or poor to wear an Herve Leger bandage dress?

In an interview Saturday with Britain’s Daily Mail, Herve Leger head designer Patrick Couderc said so many offensive things about women that the internet is still reeling—and fuming. The designer’s comments were so outrageously body-shaming that even the uber-tabloid Mail called the interview “dangerously outspoken.” Speaking about the fashion house’s iconic bandage dress—which has been…

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Sanders campaign floats meeting with Black Lives Matter activists | TheHill

  Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders’ (I-Vt.) campaign has reportedly reached out to Black Lives Matter activists to potentially set up a face-to-face meeting in Washington. Shortly before Sanders spoke on the issue of racism at the Iowa State Fair on Saturday, BuzzFeed News reported his campaign had floated having “a more formal interaction”…

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‘Bama sorority video worse for women than Donald Trump |

By A.L. Bailey, a writer, magazine copy editor, and online editor who lives in Hoover Remember all those bikini-clad, sashaying, glitter-blowing, and spontaneous piggyback-riding days of college? Me either. But according to a new video, it’s a whirlwind of glitter and girl-on-girl piggyback rides at the University of Alabama’s Alpha Phi house. No, it’s not…

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We need to engineer the racism out of apps | Fusion

Last year, San Francisco released BART Watch, an app for reporting crimes on the Bay Area’s main transit system. After filing a California Public Records Act request to see what people were reporting, the East Bay Express found a disturbing pattern: Of the 763 alerts sent to BART, 198 included a description of the race…

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The pathetic conspiratorial reaction to the Seattle activists who shut down Bernie Sanders

Ever since Marissa Janae Johnson and Mara Jacqueline Willaford commandeered the stage at a Seattle Bernie Sanders rally this past weekend, some pretty despicable attempts to smear their motives has dominated the discussion – mostly perpetuated by people who consider themselves to be “progressives” both in the blogosphere and in the comment sections. Even we…

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Museums as White Spaces – WNYC

Can art museums — bastions of beauty, sanctuaries of culture — be intimidating to racial minorities? Do they qualify as “white spaces”? First Lady Michelle Obama said as much at the dedication of the $420 million Whitney Museum. “You see, there are so many kids in this country who look at places like museums and concert halls and other cultural…

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