White Men Use #TakeUsDown To Ridicule Concept of White Male Privilege

Twitter campaign #TakeUsDown fights back against idea that men are oppressive A new Twitter campaign takes aim at the idea that white men are oppressive and privileged. Vice Media co-founder Gavin McInnes, who left the company in 2007, launched the campaign last week which uses the hashtag #TakeUsDown and features dozens of pictures of white men—and even babies and boys—lying face…

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Emma Stone Talks Whitewashing, Playing the Love Interest to Older Men: “My Eyes Have Been Opened” | The Mary Sue

In a recent interview with an Australian news outlet, Emma Stone addressed the controversy surrounding her character in Cameron Crowe’s critically panned Aloha. Stone, who played an Asian-American woman in the movie, said that she became “the butt of many jokes” following the film’s release, but that Aloha taught her about the importance and history of…

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Is it Time to Rethink the Selfie as a Feminist Political Statement? | GOOD

Selfies are, by name, if not in practice, a relatively new phenomenon. In the few short years since selfies became “a thing,” they’ve gone on to spawn (and facilitate) countless memes, jokes, and even a lucrative peripherals industry. They are a bona-fide sensation, albeit one that’s been derisively linked to narcissism and even psychopathy. But now, as selfies settle into part of the…

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The Poverty Line Was Designed Assuming Every Family Had a Housewife Who Was a ‘Skillful Cook’ – The Atlantic

National Archives (United Kingdom) The official poverty line, as I wrote yesterday, is a dated and crude statistical concept that in many ways fails to capture America’s historical success at fighting economic need. It was based on the cost of food in 1963, mostly because the Department of Agriculture had some idea of what a basic grocery budget should…

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