10 Excuses Used To Deny Racism DEBUNKED! | Decoded | MTV News – YouTube

Franchesca Ramsey: https://twitter.com/chescaleighBrought to you with love by: http://mtvother.comProduced by: http://www.kornhaberbrown.comIs Racism Over? Nope. But if you listen, you will hear these 10 common excuses that try to justify racist behavior or some grandiose belief that all things racial are way in the distant past. So it’s a good thing Franchesca is here to explain to everyone why…

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Irish Mobile Company Puts Out Transphobic Ad And Lukewarm Apology | The Mary Sue

@ThreeCare Ad campaign mocks transgender ppl. What are Three’s corporate social responsibility policies? #TakeItDownpic.twitter.com/JxgiptZrZP — socmot (@socmot) July 15, 2015 Mobile company Three Ireland recently put out an campaign to advertise their data plan. When many people pointed out that the line “It turned out he was a she” was incredibly transphobic, Three Ireland tweeted the…

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Survey Shows Even Teenage Boys Think Women Are Over-Sexualized in Video Games | The Mary Sue

Dubious game developers and Twitter trolls will now have to look elsewhere for backup when it comes to telling us “SJWs” that there’s nothing wrong with the portrayal of women in video games. A survey found that most teenage boys—despite common wisdom to the contrary—don’t want women to be over-sexualized in their video games. I’ll…

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