Remember When Hillary Clinton Was Against Gay Marriage?

‘; if (google_ads[0].bidtype == ‘CPC’) { /* insert this snippet for each ad call */ google_adnum = google_adnum + google_ads.length; } document.write(s); } } google_ad_client = ‘ca-pub-0457527031304647’; google_ad_output = ‘js’; google_max_num_ads = ‘1’; google_ad_type = ‘text’; google_feedback = ‘on’; google_skip = google_adnum; google_ad_channel = ‘1102379497’; Hillary Clinton wasted no time in co-opting today’s historic Supreme…

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The Supreme Court just legalized same-sex marriage across the US – Vox

In a landmark decision, the US Supreme Court on June 26 struck down states’ same-sex marriage bans, effectively bringing marriage equality to the entire US. “No union is more profound than marriage, for it embodies the highest ideals of love, fidelity, devotion, sacrifice, and family,” Justice Anthony Kennedy, who joined the court’s liberals in the majority…

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Supreme Court Decision on Same-Sex Marriage – The New York Times

About the case Same-sex couples can marry in three dozen states, but federal appeals courts have been divided over whether states must allow same-sex couples to marry and recognize such marriages performed elsewhere. In three earlier decisions, the Supreme Court has expanded the rights of gay Americans. Scores of friend-of-the-court briefs were filed on both…

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White Nationalist Group That Influenced Charleston Shooter Is Subsidized by Taxpayers

Alleged Charleston gunman Dylann Roof wrote that he was never the same after discovering a website with “pages upon pages of these brutal black on white murders.” The pages that left Roof in disbelief were the product of a white-nationalist group subsidized by American taxpayers. The Council of Conservative Citizens Inc. is listed by the Internal Revenue…

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Fox & Friends’ stunning hypocrisy: “We were never told the nature of [Dylann Roof’s] bias” –

On Thursday morning’s “Fox & Friends,” hosts Steve Doocy, Elisabeth Hasselbeck and Brian Kilmeade demonstrated a fairly impressive feat for a five-minute segment, denying that racism is a widespread problem in the U.S. then swiftly arguing that it isn’t their fault they didn’t know Dylann Storm Roof, the Charleston shooter, was a white supremacist. Hasselbeck…

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