CodeWeavers Blogs – Jon Parshall – Selling Software, Sexist Google Data, and What the Actual Hell, People?! – CodeWeavers

So, we’ve been messing around a lot with Google’s A/B testing tools on our website lately. Like, a lot. This toolset allows us to “test-drive” alternative versions of our site for a select audience of live customers, and see which option puts more money in the bank. I like A/B testing. It paid for our…

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Huckabee On Transgender People: I Wish I Could’ve Said I Was Transgender In HS To Shower With The Girls – BuzzFeed News

Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee joked earlier in the year he wished he could have pretended to be transgender in high school “when it came time to take showers in PE.” Huckabee made the comments at the 2015 National Religious Broadcasters Convention in Nashville, Tennessee, earlier this year but the comments were uploaded to YouTube…

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Fuck Your Arms

Uh oh, summertime is here and you know what that means, ladies—time to obsess over your arms, for some reason! Wow! Arms! Appendages! What to do? “How to Get Your Arms Ready for Summer” is the lie told in the headline of a New York Times story today, which is whatever the opposite of the…

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NBC Affiliate Decides Republican Navy Doctor Too Gay For Delicate Tennessee Viewers | Wonkette

Did you know marriage equality is a mainstream thing these days? Polling released Monday shows that fully 56 percent of Americans are more than ready for the Supreme Court to do gay marriage to the entire country, and those numbers grow every single year. So you’d think a commercial featuring a gay Republican military doctor who really wants…

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Does the “wife bonus” really exist? – Women in the World in Association with The New York Times – WITW

(Charles McQuillan/Getty Images) In Sunday’s New York Times, Wednesday Martin claims to blow the lid off a certain set of fashionable, hedge-fund dependent Upper East Side wives with children. It’s a group with whom she spent six years socializing at the playground and in other casual settings—an experience Martin, who holds a BA in anthropology,…

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