The new Gamergate: Angry white men are trying to shut down diverse comics –

Right-wing parasites, misogynist Men’s Rights activists, and opportunistic grifters who so desperately latched onto Gamergate are on the prowl again. As the culture war within the video game community continues to lose steam from its peak at the end of 2014, the conservative heroes of the anti-feminist movement are desperately looking to continue their fight…

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N.Y. feminists protest ‘sexist’ billboard advertising kitchen: ‘I prefer an office’ – Washington Times

Feminist students from Siena College in upstate New York have taken to the streets to protest a local billboard advertising a kitchen that says, “Your wife wants me.” A group of protesters gathered Tuesday at the billboard, posted by Teakwood Builders Inc., along Route 9 in Newtonville, a local ABC affiliate reported. Female students held…

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College baseball player kicked off team for tweeting something awful about Mo’ne Davis –

Evan Habeeb-USA TODAY Sports Last week, the Disney Channel announced that it would be making a Mo’ne Davis movie called Throw Like Mo. This is awesome, because Mo’ne Davis is awesome. Some people don’t agree, however. That’s fine; you can not agree. But maybe don’t tweet about it. Especially not in an offensive manner and not…

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Ellen Pao can sue Kleiner Perkins for punitive damages, rules judge | The Verge

Ellen Pao is suing for both punitive and compensatory damages in her gender discrimination trial against the venture capital firm Kleiner Perkins. Today, Judge Harold E. Kahn upheld the punitive damages claim, saying “There is sufficient evidence from which a reasonable juror could conclude that Kleiner Perkins engaged in intentional gender discrimination.” The trial is…

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