What Happened When a Handsome, White Actor Shed a Tear Over ‘Glory’ – The Root

Actor Chris Pine cried over the John Legend-Common performance, and suddenly civil rights has a new “hero.” Chris Pine at the Academy Awards Feb. 22, 2015Youtube screenshot /sl-art-illo-cap /sl-art-illo-cntr There is nothing—nothing—like seeing a handsome, straight, cisgender, wealthy, able-bodied white man cry to remind us how horrific black people had it during the civil rights…

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Silicon Valley Could Learn a Lot From Skater Culture. Just Not How to Be a Meritocracy | WIRED

Silicon Valley Has Lost Its Way, the WIRED headline began. Sure, I’ll go with that. It continued, Can Skateboarding Legend Rodney Mullen Help It? And there it is: the idea that skate culture could energize a languid tech world. Is skateboarding the EpiPen the Valley needs? No. Please no. Not now. The last time skateboarding was a…

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Trolling female gamers in the name of satire isn’t funny—it’s abusive

A video appeared recently that that reawakened fears about Gamergate. It caused game developer Brianna Wu to file a restraining order against the man in the video. It was also a factor in her reasoning to pull her company, Giant Spacekat, out of gaming festival PAX East, fearing for her employees’ safety. It scared Wu, it scared other female developers…

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Institutional Barriers for Women of Color at Code Schools by Stephanie Migdalia Pi Herrera | Model View Culture

If attending a code school can be life-changing for the average student, imagine what the prospect would mean to womyn of color. Since our communities are among the most impoverished, we stand to gain the most from the flexible, high-paying jobs of today’s tech empire. But in an industry where black, Latina, and indigenous womyn…

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The disappeared: Chicago police detain Americans at abuse-laden ‘black site’ | US news | The Guardian

While US military and intelligence interrogation impacted people overseas, Homan Square – said to house military-style vehicles and even a cage – focuses on American citizens, most often poor, black and brown. ‘When you go in,’ Brian Jacob Church told the Guardian, ‘nobody knows what happened to you.’ Video: Phil Batta for the Guardian; editing:…

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