My Statement – Shanley –

Trigger warning for sexual abuse, stalking, rape, domestic violence and large-scale attacks by hate groups. Last Thursday, I criticized the Linux community for continuing to support and center a leader with a years-long, documented history of unrepentant abusive behavior, someone who has actively and systematically nurtured a hostile, homogeneous technical community, and someone who has…

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ToleranUX: Satirical Linux fork mocks calls for open source diversity | Ars Technica

Without any official group taking responsibility for this page, and with imageboard screengrabs showing jokes about its creation, we believe FSF is as much of a mean-spirited joke as media critic Shanley Kane says it is. cache hit 934:single/related:aff7ea81439932e4088551b75f744576 empty On Friday, following comments made by Linux legend Linus Torvalds about diversity in the open…

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Fox News apologizes 4 times for inaccurate comments about Muslims in Europe – Jan. 18, 2015

main NEW YORK (CNNMoney) Fox News took time out of four broadcasts on Saturday to apologize for four separate instances of incorrect information that portrayed Muslims in a negative light. Several of the cases involved incendiary comments about “no-go zones” in Europe, where Islamic law supposedly supersedes local law and where non-Muslims fear to go….

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#129 – Cartoonists react to Paris attack – It’s All Journalism

[if lt IE 9]>< ![endif]“It is every cartoonist’s worse nightmare and it’s absolutely chilling. Sadness, shock and horror.” That’s how political cartoonist Jen Sorensen described her reaction on hearing of the Jan. 7, 2015, attack on the Paris headquarters of the Charlie Hebdo magazine by two Islamist gunman. The shootings killed 12, including cartoonists…

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Hero Of Kosher Grocery Siege Will Become A French Citizen : The Two-Way : NPR

Lassana Bathily, a Muslim born in Mali, will become a citizen of France. Bathily saved Jewish shoppers at the Parisian kosher market where he works from an Islamist gunman by hiding them in a basement walk-in refrigerator. Francois Guillot/AFP/Getty Images hide caption itoggle caption Francois Guillot/AFP/Getty Images Lassana Bathily, a Muslim born in Mali, will…

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Hollywood’s political ignorance: What Cosby, “Selma” & Hebdo reveal about white liberal consciousness –

Race and gender politics at this year’s Golden Globes took an unexpected range of twists and turns. First, hosts Tina Fey and Amy Poehler shamelessly mocked the many rape allegations against Bill Cosby. Given that there has been a significant strain of public resistance among some African-Americans to the racial politics of a group of…

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