White supremacist website calls for action in Montana | Montana & Regional | missoulian.com

A white supremacist website called The Daily Stormer has posted a call to “TAKE ACTION” against Jewish people in Whitefish, providing personal contact information and urging a “troll storm” against them. The story claims the “vicious, evil race” has harmed the Whitefish business of Richard Spencer’s mother. It quotes a story from the British newspaper…

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As the American public is being sold on the idea of the “Infobahn,” it is often suggested that the Internet is ushering in an age of enlightenment, that its structure is inherently leading to a kind of global consciousness raising. In particular, it was (and still is, in some circles) fashionable to suggest that the…

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If ‘Rogue One’ Is So Progressive, Where the Heck Are All the Women? | The Daily Dot

This article includes no major spoilers for Rogue One.The idea that Rogue One is groundbreakingly feminist has always been pretty bizarre. Jyn Erso’s protagonist status is equal to Rey’s in The Force Awakens, and besides: Every other main character is a man. While Rogue One was being promoted (and protested) as a female-led sci-fi blockbuster, its trailers remained…

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An Open Letter to Fellow Minority Journalists – KANG BLOG – Medium

This came from an article in yesterday’s Washington Post. Over the next year or two, media — especially prestige print media — will begin thinning out its ranks. The economic forecast, despite temporary spikes in post-election subscriptions, is not good and headcount spots will have to be cleared to make room for all the incoming pro-Trump takes. “Identity politics writers” (read:…

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If we took ‘Gamergate’ harassment seriously, ‘Pizzagate’ might never have happened – The Washington Post

D.C. police detained a gunman on Dec. 4, who had walked into Comet Ping Pong, a popular Northwest Washington restaurant and music venue. Police said no injuries were reported. (Faiz Siddiqui,Bastien Inzaurralde/The Washington Post) A feedback loop of half-baked rumors and willful misinformation whips a corner of the Internet into such a frenzy that someone…

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