Women chess players must wear hijabs to play in the world championships in Iran — Quartz

Top-ranked female chess players have been told that if they want to compete in next year’s world championships, they’ll have to wear hijabs—because the competition will be held in Iran. Grandmasters have accused the World Chess Federation’s Commission for Women’s Chess of ignoring the implicit sexual and religious discrimination, reports the Telegraph. US women’s champion…

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They’re Not Coming Back: The Religiously Unaffiliated and the Post-Religious Era | Religion Dispatches

The wistful refrain among religionists has for some time now been the same: the religiously unaffiliated will return to religious practice one of these days. New numbers from a survey jointly conducted by the Public Religion Research Institute and Religion News Service, however, might crush whatever hope is left about luring Nones back into the…

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Why Is It Still So Difficult To Access The Morning-After Pill? – The Establishment

Thanks to Affordable Care Act insurance reform, prescribed contraception must be covered by all insurance plans without a co-pay, meaning the majority of Americans now have access to primary forms of birth control—their “plan A” contraception. As nearly everyone who has ever had potentially procreative sex knows, however, the need for back-up is crucial to peace of mind, whether or…

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