Despite High Court Ruling, Kentucky Clerk Denies Marriage Licences : The Two-Way : NPR

END ID=”RES436569067″ CLASS=”BUCKETWRAP TWITTER LARGE GRAPHIC624″ Despite a Supreme Court ruling that compelled a Rowan County clerk in Kentucky to give out marriage licenses to gay couples, Kim Davis refused to comply once again on Tuesday morning by denying marriage licenses to everyone. Ryland Barton, a reporter for Kentucky Public Radio, reports that Davis said…

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Four Easy Ways to Be a White Supremacist | Sojourners

At its heart, white supremacy is not about white hoods and burning crosses. EVEN AS SOUTHERN states—and GOP candidates—jumped through hoops to distance themselves from the Confederate flag, a backlash erupted among those claiming the flag was merely a symbol of “heritage.” Battle-flag waving Southerners (and Confederacy sympathizers) seemed to leap at the opportunity to…

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Since 2009, the FBI has recorded just one racially motivated church burning | Fusion

Since the shooting of nine members of the Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in Charleston, SC earlier this month, a string of fires have burned at at least seven Southern churches, most of them predominantly black. Federal officials have launched investigations into the fires to determine if they are hate crimes. Authorities suspect that natural…

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′Everyday racism′ weaves its way into welcoming Germany | Germany | DW.DE | 06.05.2015

Figures released by Germany’s Interior Ministry just two days before the 70th anniversary of the end of World War II in Europe are sobering. They reveal a “sharp increase” in right-wing violence, with 175 racially motivated attacks in 2014, as compared to 58 the year before. Interior Minister Thomas de Maiziere said asylum seekers and…

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The End of Tolerance? Anti-Muslim Movement Rattles Germany – SPIEGEL ONLINE – News – International

12/21/2014 Font: – + The End of Tolerance? Anti-Muslim Movement Rattles Germany By SPIEGEL Staff REUTERS Members of the loosely organized “Patriotic Europeans against the Islamization of the West,” gather at a major protest in Dresden in eastern Germany on Dec. 8. Disenchanted German citizens and right-wing extremists are joining forces to form a protest…

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Rachel Held Evans’s New Book, ‘Searching for Sunday,’ Tackles Millennials’ Search for Authentic Christianity in the Church — The Atlantic

An interview with the author Rachel Held Evans about her new book and searching for authenticity in the church simpleinsomnia/Flickr “I caution against the idea that the way to get young people into church is to be hip and cool and have a pastor who wears skinny jeans.” Rachel Held Evans could have been talking…

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The right’s made-up God: How bigots invented a white supremacist Jesus –

Just in time for Holy Week, the State of Indiana has passed a new Religious Freedom Restoration Act. The law explicitly permits for-profit corporations from practicing the “free exercise of religion” and it allows them to use the “exercise of religion” as a defense against any lawsuits whether from the government or from private entities….

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In Indiana, Using Religion as a Cover for Bigotry –

Photo Demonstrators protested the religious freedom bill in Indianapolis on Saturday. Credit Nate Chute/Reuters Gov. Mike Pence of Indiana, who last week signed a religious-freedom law driven by bigotry against gays and lesbians, has been complaining that the law’s opponents — which include top business leaders and civil-rights groups — are spreading “misinformation.” It is…

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