Patriot Act provisions have expired: What happens now? –

Story highlights At 7:44 p.m. Sunday, the National Security Agency’s bulk data collection program ended The government loses authorities under three Patriot Act provisions The Senate entered a debate period late Sunday on the Patriot Act that pushed beyond the midnight deadline. With the debate ongoing, that effectively ends the National Security Agency’s bulk data…

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NSA bulk phone data collection program expires after Senate misses deadline | Fox News

The National Security Agency’s ability to collect the phone records of millions of Americans in bulk expired late Sunday after the Senate failed to strike a deal before the midnight deadline. However, that program, as well as several other post-9/11 counterterrorism measures, were likely to be revived in some form in the coming days after…

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In Landslide Vote, House Overwhelmingly Passes USA Freedom Act without Amendments | Electronic Frontier Foundation

Is this the year Congress passes a bill to limit NSA spying? The House of Representatives certainly hopes so. But just how strong that reform will be remains to be seen. Minutes ago, the House of Representatives passed the USA Freedom Act overwhelmingly with 338 yes votes and 88 no votes. EFF is neutral on…

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US appeals courts rules NSA bulk collection of phone data is unlawful | Circa News

The National Security Agency (NSA) faces a litany of lawsuits over its surveillance programs. A federal appeals court ruled May 7 that the NSA’s bulk surveillance of telephone records is unlawful. It found the NSA’s programs were not authorized by Congress in Section 215 of the Patriot Act. The ruling determined the American Civil Liberties…

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How public shaming on the Internet unfairly targets women

The Sony email hack is making the rounds again—but not for the reason you might expect. After WikiLeaks republished the embattled company’s emails in their entirety last weekend, certain aspects of Sony’s very public embarrassment have once again been making headlines. Perhaps one of the strangest revelations to have gained traction is ex-Sony chief Amy…

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This is how governments are using fake online accounts to manipulate you | Fusion

Negative comments on your social-media posts might just be the work of standard Internet trolls. But it could actually be a bit more sinister. An article recently published by The Guardian details the Russian troll house, a government agency that hires people to post pro-Russian and anti-Western blogs and comments. Though it may be surprising…

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U.S. secretly tracked billions of calls for decades

<![endif][if gt IE 9]>><![endif][if IE 9]>< ![endif][if IE 8]>< ![endif][if gt IE 8]>><![endif][if lt IE 9]>< ![endif][if lt IE 9]>< ![endif] USA TODAY investigation revealed that a secret program collecting phone call data for international calls started in 1992. USA TODAY Starting in 1992, the Justice Department amassed logs of virtually all telephone calls from…

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