Outrage after video captures white Baton Rouge police officer fatally shooting a black man – The Washington Post

On July 5, two white Baton Rouge police officers were involved in a deadly altercation with 37-year-old black man Alton Sterling. Sterling was pinned down by the officers and fatally shot. His death has sparked protests and anger. (BatonRougeCrime.com) A bystander video showing two white police officers involved in a deadly altercation with a 37-year-old…

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Secret Rules Make It Pretty Easy for the FBI to Spy on Journalists

Secret FBI rules allow agents to obtain journalists’ phone records with approval from two internal officials — far less oversight than under normal judicial procedures. The classified rules, obtained by The Intercept and dating from 2013, govern the FBI’s use of national security letters, which allow the bureau to obtain information about journalists’ calls without going to a…

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US Customs wants to collect social media account names at the border | The Verge

Your Twitter handle may soon be part of the US visa process. Yesterday, US Customs and Border Patrol entered a new proposal into the federal register, suggesting a new field in which persons entering the country can declare their various social media accounts and screen names. The information wouldn’t be mandatory, but the proposed field would…

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