Maine Warden Service disputes scathing newspaper article |

render left third party share bar style=”background: url(../images/patterns/paper-noise.png) top left white;” story headline PPress Herald gets push-back from North Woods story. Portland, ME (NEWS CENTER) — The Maine Warden Service today released a seven page document disclaiming an investigative report by the Portland Press Herald/Maine Sunday Telegram. The Service defended the actions of an undercover…

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Obama orders public schools to allow transgender students access to restrooms | Society | The Guardian

The Obama administration will order all US public schools to allow transgender students to access restrooms that match their identities in a move that escalates the national fight over LGBT rights that has erupted in response to North Carolina’s controversial “bathroom bill”. The Justice Department and department of education will send the decree, a copy…

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Russian Embassy Tweets ‘Command and Conquer’ Screenshot To Illustrate War In Syria | Popular Science

The Russian government is not known for being particularly straightforward with facts. Russia is currently backing Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad in his brutal, 5-year-long war to regain control of his country from rebels. As part of that effort, Russia’s government and state-owned media want to discredit the people fighting against Assad. Those people include the…

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This Week In The War On Women: It’s A Shame If You Lose Your Guns Just For Beating Up Women – Bitter Empire

What if victims of domestic violence didn’t have to worry that their abusers will come after them, guns a-blazin’, PEW PEW PEW, you’re dead? Sure, it would mean putting the lives of women — who die at the hands of their intimate partners every day, most often by being shot to death — above the absolute God-given unalienable right…

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U.S. Warns North Carolina That Transgender Bill Violates Civil Rights Laws – The New York Times

Photo Protesters rallied outside the Capitol against House Bill 2 in Raleigh, N.C., last month. Credit Ray Whitehouse for The New York Times WASHINGTON — The Justice Department on Wednesday warned North Carolina state officials that they would lose millions of dollars in federal funding unless they change the controversial measure limiting access to bathrooms…

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