If Republicans block Obama’s Supreme Court nomination, he wins anyway – The Washington Post

Washington Post reporter Robert Barnes explains where the Supreme Court stands after the death of Justice Antonin Scalia and how the vacant seat will impact the presidential election. (Whitney Leaming/The Washington Post) After Justice Antonin Scalia’s death Saturday at 79, the Supreme Court is now evenly divided between four liberal justices and four conservatives, even…

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2016 is now all about the Supreme Court: This is how Justice Scalia’s death deadlocks the Court — and changes presidential race – Salon.com

What are the legal and political implications of Antonin Scalia’s sudden death? First, in regard to the legal status of all cases currently before the Supreme Court, all of Scalia’s votes on those cases no longer count. Justices cast their initial votes on cases in a conference, and the task of writing the majority opinion…

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Antonin Scalia, Supreme Court justice, dies at 79 – CNNPolitics.com

His death set off an immediate debate about whether President Barack Obama should fill the seat in an election year. Obama said Saturday night that he plans to nominate a replacement, but Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said the nomination should wait until the next president comes into office while top Democrat Harry Reid called…

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GUILTY: NYPD Officer Peter Liang Convicted in Trial for Killing Akai Gurley – Downtown Brooklyn – DNAinfo.com New York

    Officer Peter Liang was found guilty of manslaughter and official misconduct in the fatal shooting of unarmed Brooklyn father Akai Gurley on Feb. 11. View Full Caption Pool/Mary Altaffer DOWNTOWN BROOKLYN — Rookie NYPD officer Peter Liang is guilty of manslaughter for fatally shooting an unarmed man in a Brooklyn housing project in…

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Cliven Bundy arrested in Portland as Oregon occupiers say they will surrender – The Washington Post

Cliven Bundy, the Nevada rancher at the center of an armed standoff with federal officials in 2014, was arrested in Portland, Ore., Wednesday, according to jail records and news reports. He was reportedly on his way to the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge in isolated southeastern Oregon, where an armed occupation in its 41st day seemed to be…

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